Contact Us

start a coffee shop business


Welcome To Coffee Shop Startups

Coffee Shop Startups is the premiere online coffee business resource for new and aspiring coffee business owners. We've been helping people start coffee businesses since 2013.

We're based right here in Seattle, Washington, an amazing town with a rich history of retail coffee.  Nestled in the Beautiful Pacific Northwest, Seattle is the birthplace of latte art, arguably the modern-day coffee shop, and coffee icons like Starbucks, Caffe Ladro, Zoka Coffee, Cafe D'Arte, Vivace Espresso, and Caffe Vita.

Connect With Us!



We are available Monday-Friday: 9 am – 5 pm, Pacific Standard Time. If you would like to contact us, you can email us with the information below. 

If you are starting a coffee shop or would like to start planning your coffee shop, consider getting in contact with us. For frequently asked questions, visit our  FAQs page.


Coffee Shop Startups Contact Information:

We get a lot of requests for article or blog submissions. We don't accept unsolicited content from third parties.


Contact (the AT sign) coffeeshopstartups (dot) com


Please note: We do not accept unsolicited requests for article submissions whatsoever. 

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