How to Start a Coffee Shop Book

Best Books on How to Start a Coffee Shop


Best Books on How to Start a Coffee Shop

Review of Coffee Shop Business Books We Offer

Searching for the best way to start a coffee shop just got easier. So, we've poured our hearts into creating the best set of coffee shop books to help you set up your coffee shop business successfully.

Starting a coffee shop can be an exciting prospect. With the endless coffee shop concepts to choose from, you'll have the possibility of succeeding in a variety of settings.

But which coffee shop concept is best?

The best coffee shop concept ultimately depends on you and the target market you are after. Perhaps learning about running a coffee shop can help you make an informed decision about the ultimate coffee business concept you'd like to settle on.

That's where Coffee Shop Startups comes in. We've created a coffee shop startup resource to help you better prepare for the coffee business you're about to start.  

Within our complete kit, you will find multiple coffee shop business books (guides) to help you start your planning.

Today, we're going to talk about the best books to start a coffee shop business and how you can access them through our kit.


How to Start a Coffee Shop Book

The Best Books to Open a Coffee Shop Business


There are many coffee shop business books out there. Unfortunately, while some coffee books provide vague summaries of how to start a coffee business, most leave you feeling like you didn't learn enough.

Most coffee shop books don't provide the necessary information you need to open a successful coffee shop. Starting a coffee shop is a unique business that can incorporate any number of scenarios – from a full-blown café, bistro to a drive-thru coffee stand and mobile coffee trailer.

Aspiring coffee shop owners need a coffee business book that discusses all aspects of owning and operating a coffee shop. And that's precisely what we set out to do with our book, Getting Your Flow, How to Successfully Launch Your Coffee Shop.


A How to Start a Coffee Shop Books should cover:

  • Coffee shop business concepts
  • How to write a coffee shop business plan
  • Developing your coffee shop menu
  • Funding your coffee shop business
  • Coffee shop location
  • Coffee shop marketing
  • Beating the competition
  • Coffee shop management
  • Human resources


A coffee shop “How To” book should provide information on these topics and much more. Our Getting Your Flow book covers a vast number of issues important to coffee shop owners. But we have realized that even one book isn't enough.

That's why we have added several more books and coffee shop startup guides to give you the knowledge you need. Our books come in a package that is included in the Complete Coffee Shop Startups Kit. Each book below offers an in-depth read and easily accessible format.



Book Reviews Below

The Best Books for Opening a Coffee Shop

The following is a list of the best books to read before opening a coffee shop successfully. They all come with our Complete Coffee Shop Startups Kit. Each coffee shop business book, delivered in a PDF format, covers a broad spectrum of topics that every coffee business owner has to know.

Each book (ebook) covers a particular area of running a coffee business. They pertain to specific information that we feel is important for aspiring business owners to understand.

Each book is delivered in digital formatting.



How to Start a Coffee Shop Book #1

Getting Your Flow

How to Plan, Build, and Launch a Successful Coffee Shop

This comprehensive 360-page guide on starting a coffee shop contains a wealth of information you can't get in any other coffee shop startup book.

We've made sure that our “how-to” coffee shop book is the most in-depth coffee business book available. This profound resource will prepare you for the challenges of starting a coffee shop by giving you an insight into all aspects of the coffee shop business: from developing your coffee shop design to running your everyday business operations. By leading you through all the steps of the coffee business, it will be your Bible when starting a coffee shop. In addition, it gives you the motivation you need to overcome your fears of starting your own business.

Get a complete background on the process to open a coffee shop with a detailed assessment of the knowledge you need to get your coffee shop planning started.

The book comes with a list of coffee shop ideas for those who don't know what concept to settle on. Finally, it is completed with discussions on the coffee stand business.

Some of the topics covered in the book:

  • Preparing yourself for the coffee business
  • Choosing your coffee concept
  • Determining your target market
  • Developing your coffee brand
  • Creating your budget
  • Coffee shop equipment
  • Designing your coffee shop
  • Strategies to save money
  • Legal aspects of starting a coffee shop

*Delivered in ebook format only.



How to Start a Coffee Shop Book #2

The Coffee Shop Business Plan Guide & Template

Every coffee shop business needs a business plan. This coffee business book (guide) is focused entirely on starting and writing your coffee shop business plan.

Additionally, this guide gives you a complete and thorough explanation of each section of the business plan – why it's important and how to obtain the information you need to complete it. It comes with an editable business plan template (MS Word).

  • Editable business plan template
  • Detailed explanations of each element of your plan
  • Help with each business plan section
  • Designed to save you hours of time

*Delivered in ebook format only.

coffee shop business plan template, coffee shop business plan, coffee house business plan


How to Start a Coffee Shop Book #3

The Coffee Shop Business Workbook

This coffee business workbook contains the planning forms and strategy documents to help you start your business planning. Printing out the forms and utilizing them for your coffee shop planning sessions are a great way to get started.

This easy-to-use coffee shop planning book is an excellent resource for beginner coffee shop owners. We encourage you to utilize all of the pages and information contained within this helpful book.


Among the many resource pages, you will find:

  • Coffee business concept development worksheet
  • Coffee Shop SWOT Analysis Worksheet
  • Counting Customers Worksheet
  • Before Your Open Checklist
  • Health Department Checklist
  • Location Evaluation Checklist

*Delivered in ebook format only.



How to Start a Coffee Shop Book # 4

The Coffee Shop Pricing Guide

The complete book on how to develop your pricing strategy. This unique coffee shop book is geared to the challenging subject of pricing your coffee products. Pricing your coffee shop items can be challenging to assess. If you price your items too high, you will reduce your sales. On the other hand, if you price your items too low and decrease your overall perceived value of the business, you leave money on the table.

This coffee shop pricing guide book was written to give the coffee shop owner a solid background and knowledge to price their items utilizing a strategy that benefits their coffee shop's bottom line and customers.

  • Discussion on pricing guide objectives
  • Determining the value of our pricing
  • The psychology of pricing
  • What should your pricing reflect?
  • Common pricing strategies for coffee shops
  • Measuring and amending your pricing strategy

 *Delivered in ebook format only.

how to start a coffee shop, pricing guide for a coffee shop, how to price items for a coffee shop


How to Start a Coffee Shop Book # 5

The Beginners Guide to Coffee Shop Marketing

Marketing and promoting your coffee shop business is going to be one key ingredient to your success. The tricky part comes when you look at your marketing budget and need to make the most out of it. Whether you have $100 a month or $10,000 a month to spend on marketing, you need a marketing strategy.

Our beginner's guide to coffee shop marketing book can help you better understand your job as your coffee shop's most prominent promoter.

This coffee shop book discusses:

  • Developing your coffee shop business story
  • Developing your coffee brand
  • Using your inventory to stand out
  • Developing a marketing plan
  • Your marketing budget

Additionally, this book covers how to plan for your grand opening.

*Delivered in ebook format only.

The Beginner's Guide to Coffee Shop Marketing


How to Start a Coffee Shop Book # 6

The Coffee Shop Owners Guide to Hiring and Firing Your First Employee

If you run a coffee shop, the chances are that you will need to hire baristas and other staff members. In addition to hiring baristas, cooks, and staff, you might need to fire employees too.

Therefore, we've put together this helpful guide on the process of hiring and firing your first employee. The information in this book will help better prepare you for hiring your first employee, managing employees, and taking disciplinary action.

In addition, this book covers:

  • What attributes to look for when hiring
  • Questions for your interview
  • How to hire your first employee
  • Training employees
  • Maintaining employee files
  • How to fire employees

*Delivered in ebook format only.


The Coffee Shop Owners Guide to Hiring and Firing Your First Employee

How to Start a Coffee Shop Book # 7

The New Coffee Business Owner's Quick Guide to Coffee

In the other coffee business books, we discuss how to better plan and start your coffee business. But what about the coffee?

In this coffee book, we take a moment to talk about what brings us together: coffee!

In this book, you get a discussion on the following:

  • The origins of coffee
  • Types of coffee
  • Coffee processing
  • Struggles of the coffee industry
  • Roasting profiles
  • Popular coffee brewing methods
  • Drink building and recipes

*Delivered in ebook format.

Quick Guide to Coffee, coffee guide


How to Start a Coffee Shop Book # 8

Starting Your Drive-Thru Coffee Stand

The mobile coffee scene is taking off in several cities all over the world. There has never been a better time to start a mobile coffee trailer than right now. Having a trailer or a coffee truck is perfect for serving various coffee customers on the go!

That's why we created The Beginner's Guide to Starting Your Coffee Stand Business. Our guide is geared to helping you successfully start your drive-thru coffee stand.

  • Developing your concept
  • Getting your drive-thru structure
  • Finding your drive-thru location
  • Picking the right coffee equipment


*All books delivered in ebook format only and delivered instantly after purchase.


How To Start a Coffee Shop Book

Increase Coffee Shop Sales


How to Start a Coffee Shop Book Reviewed

The Best Books for Opening a Coffee Shop


These coffee shop business books come together in one package, The Complete Coffee Shop Startups Kit. In one convenient Kit, we offer these books (in a pdf format), along with in-depth audio interviews. Our audio interviews provide a perspective that can't be found anywhere else. These books come conveniently together, which allows you to learn about the various aspects of starting a coffee shop business in one shot.

Get The Complete Coffee Shop Startup Kit &

Start Your Coffee Shop Planning

Comprehensive. Convenient. Affordable.

Coffee Shop Startups is the premier coffee shop business resource for aspiring entrepreneurs. We provide the most comprehensive way to research and plan your coffee shop business.

Our Complete Coffee Shop Startups Kit is packed with everything you need to know before you open your coffee shop business. With hours and hours of one-on-one interviews, you'll hear from real-world coffee shop business owners and experts.

When you purchase The Complete Coffee Shop Startups Kit, you receive an invaluable collection of exclusive resources designed to help your coffee shop business grow.

These tools will get your coffee business on the right track and give you the motivation to move forward with confidence.

There’s never been a better time to start a coffee shop business. And there’s never been a better resource to help you get started the right way.

Now’s the time to take action – but only you can do that.

The Complete Coffee Shop Startup Kit

(Instantly Delivered To You)

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Professional Coffee Shop Startups Kit