Things You’ll Need for Your Coffee Trailer Business

Things you will need for your coffee trailer.


Start Your Coffee Trailer Business

Things You'll Need for Your Coffee Trailer Business


Coffee Trailer BusinessDeciding to open a coffee trailer or mobile coffee business is an exciting venture that can change your life and increase your income.

There are many benefits to opening a mobile coffee trailer or coffee truck, which is why many would-be coffee entrepreneurs seriously consider this coffee business concept.

We've previously written about how to start your mobile coffee business and how to consider funding your coffee startup. We encourage you to read our coffee business blog for additional resources.

Your first step to opening your coffee trailer is choosing the right coffee equipment. This is similar to the effort that coffee shops and drive-thru coffee stand owners need to make.

Despite your typical coffee equipment purchases, there are other essential things you will likely need when you operate a mobile coffee trailer.

Let's discuss of few essentials needed for coffee trailers below.



A coffee trailer business owner works in his trailer.


Starting Your Coffee Trailer Business

Develop Your Mobile Coffee Business Plan and Budget


Before purchasing coffee equipment or launching into building a coffee trailer, you will want to develop your budget. Your budget will help guide your spending and efforts as your business progresses.

Elements of your budget will include the purchasing of your trailer, your refurbishing costs, contract labor costs, inspection fees, and of course, your coffee equipment.

Categorically anticipating your costs will give you a better idea of your overall need for cash. If you seek funding for your coffee business, you can confidently approach your investors or those you borrow from.

Incorporating your budget within a well-written mobile coffee business plan will also help guide your first steps to successfully launching your coffee trailer business.


Further Reading: Developing Your Coffee Shop Budget


Starting a Mobile Coffee Business

What You Need for a Mobile Coffee Trailer Business

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Let's get started! In addition to your primary coffee equipment needs, such as your espresso machine and coffee grinders, you'll want to ensure that you have other essentials to protect your business and oversee its growth.

The following are things you'll likely need for your coffee trailer business:


1. Back Hitch Camera

If you have a tow vehicle, you will likely hitch and unhitch your coffee trailer often. A camera (or two) can help make the entire hitching and unhitching process much easier and safer.

If you have ever hitched a trailer, you know it can be challenging to inch your way to the exact spot. It's not always easy for the experienced driver to hitch a trailer. Poor weather conditions or hitching in the dark can add to the challenge.

A good camera can also help save you from bumping your trailer too hard, causing damage to the hitch, or even flipping the entire trailer over.

I recommend any of the following back hitch cameras:

License Plate Wireless Backup Camera – See Prices on Amazon

Wireless Truck Hitch Backup Camera – See Prices Amazon


2. Stabilizing Jacks

Your trailer needs four stabilizing jacks for each corner. While some trailers have their jack system bolted to the undersides, many do not.

These jacks can be heavy and bulky, but they are often necessary to ensure your safety as you work to ensure it doesn't get knocked off balance.

You may also want a wheeled floor jack to help you lift your trailer on one side. This would be essential for fixing a tire, inspecting your water tank (if it is under your trailer), and stabilizing your mobile unit.

I've used these types of jacks:

Hydraulic Trolley Jack – See prices on Amazon

Double locking Steel Jack Stands (Pair) – See prices on Amazon

Steel jacks are stabilizing this coffee trailer

Double Locking Steel Jack Stands (Pair) – See prices on Amazon


3. Wheel Chock Block

Wheel chocks are essential to keep the trailer snug and in place. A combination of weight and the degree of surface grade can cause the trailer to roll away or get knocked off balance.

Wheel chock blocks help ensure your trailers won't move from their intended spot and keep it securely in place.

These wheel chocks are great options:

Coffee Trailer Wheel Chock is needed to secure the trailer in place

Heavy Duty Trailer Chock Blocks (Pair) – See prices on Amazon




Things You Need for Your Coffee Trailer Business



4. Security Devices

Security should always be a top priority for your coffee trailer. You'll have so much investment within your trailer that you'll want to protect it. The fact that it is relatively easy to hitch it up and drive away – and, with it, your entire business – you will need to be extra vigilant.

When it comes to your coffee trailer, you'll want to have burly locks and a security system.

I recommend the following items:

Coffee trailer lock to secure your mobile coffee business is shown. It's a lock that wraps around the tire preventing anyone driving off with it.

Trailer Wheel Boot Lock System – See it on Amazon


5. Mobile Storage Bins & Straps

Running a small coffee trailer business requires carrying a lot of stuff – from coffee, milk, sugar, syrups, straws, lids, sleeves, and cups – to cleaning supplies, gasoline, oil, towels, gloves, and many other things.

Having adequate storage is always a struggle for mobile coffee businesses. Plastic tubs or bins will be essential to store and organize your inventory, cleaning supplies, smaller equipment, and miscellaneous items.

Also, having straps or bungee cords will help to ensure they stay in place on the road.


6. Fire Extinguishers

Having a fire extinguisher is a necessity. My recommendation is that you have two or three fire extinguishers. One fire extinguisher should be inside the trailer, while the other should be placed or housed by your power generator. A third one may be inside your pull or tow vehicle.

Keep them readily available and in working order, and ensure you and your staff always know where they are and how to use them.


7. Commercial Commissary

In many locales, a commercial commissary is required. In Seattle – and many other jurisdictions – you will not get health department approval unless you have a signed contract with a commercial commissary.

Common commissary question:

“What if I don't sell any food, make food, or need to use a commissary's facilities?”

Most likely, you'll still need one. The reason is your wastewater. Commercial commissaries often have special gray water dumping stations with traps and filters that prevent grease, oils, or other byproducts from entering the sewer system. You cannot dump your untreated gray water into the sewer system in most municipalities.


8. Power Generator

If you operate a coffee trailer, you must supply it with power. Often this is done with a power generator. Power generators come in all sizes to fit your power needs.

You'll want to ensure you have a power generator that can power your entire operation and be quiet enough to hear your customers (some generators can be extremely loud).

I've used Honda generators, as they are fitted with a solid motor. In addition to their reliability and ruggedness, their sleek design makes them hard to overlook.

This is the Honda generator I've used:

Generator for Coffee Trailer

Honda Generator 7000 watt – See prices on Amazon


9. Coffee Shop POS System

When you set up your coffee trailer, you'll likely not think of which POS systems to use. It's okay; your job is to get the business up and running.

However, when you set up a coffee business, your coffee trailer POS system will be among the most essential pieces of equipment.

For coffee trailers, we recommend Square POS.

We've written our assessment for Square's POS system, but you can skip and see the Square POS pricing here.


10. Water Containers

Your mobile coffee business lives on water. If you don't have water, your whole mobile operation will grind to a halt.

Your job – and the job of baristas – is to keep that espresso machine always filled with water, or you can easily damage your machine. In addition, having plenty of water to wash your hands and wipe down your trailer is essential.

I've always ensured I had plenty of extra water and carried a few 5-gallon water containers.

Consider these water container options:

BPA free – 5 Gallon Water Container – Get it on Amazon


11. Gray Water Overflow Container


If you work all day or weekend during an event, you'll likely have to dispose of your gray water. Sometimes, your gray water tank may fill to the point that you need to get rid of the dirty water as soon as possible.

Though it's not always necessary, you may consider getting an overflow container for your trailer, as it will help when you're gray water tank is about to back up.

Several good ones are out there, but I've used and worked with the Tote-n-Store brand.


Further Reading: Coffee Truck Ideas


Things You Need for Your Coffee Trailer Business

Additional Questions:


Should I buy a turnkey coffee trailer?

Buying an existing trailer – or a turnkey business – is a fast way to enter the mobile coffee business. You can find a variety of existing owners either moving on with their coffee business or expanding into brick-and-mortar coffee shops.

There are certainly advantages and disadvantages when buying an existing business. We've deep-dived into the topic with our article, How Do I Obtain My Coffee Trailer?


Do Coffee Trailers Make Money?

The short answer is “YES!” Coffee trailers can bring in healthy revenues. However, the answer requires some information on your part.

How often do you plan on working? For example, will you operate your trailer only on the weekends or work five days a week?

Where will you operate your coffee trailer? For example, will you set yourself up at a park during the week and serve coffee at events during the weekend? We explore this issue in greater depth in our post, Do Coffee Trailers Make Money?


What are the steps to set up a coffee trailer?

Among my first recommendations is to determine what type of mobile coffee business you want – and what you want to serve. For example, do you want to serve coffee and doughnuts at your local farmer's market? Do you want to serve coffee and wine at various corporate or private events?

Once you've settled on a concept and menu, you'll be ready to plan your coffee trailer business.

We detail the steps in our post, How to Start a Mobile Coffee Business Successfully.


Get The Ultimate Guide!

How to Start Your Mobile Coffee Business

Mobile Entrepreneurship Unleashed: Explore the freedom and flexibility of a mobile coffee business with our mobile coffee business e-book. Discover how to leverage the power of mobility, reaching coffee enthusiasts wherever they are. From festivals to street corners, unlock a world of possibilities for your entrepreneurial journey.

Solutions for Success: Dive into a wealth of practical insights, proven strategies, and essential tips tailored specifically for launching a coffee trailer business. Our book provides a comprehensive roadmap, helping you navigate regulatory hurdles, select the right equipment, and create a menu that captivates customers. It's your one-stop guide to transforming your passion for coffee into a lucrative mobile venture.

Profitable, Portable, and Personalized: Learn how to build a coffee trailer business that reflects your unique style and captivates your target audience. Our e-book empowers you to personalize your business model while ensuring profitability.


Get The Ultimate Mobile Coffee E-book

Successfully Plan and Launch Your Coffee Trailer

The Mobile Coffee Business Ebook

Buy It Now


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* The information on this page is for educational purposes only. We do not offer legal or investment advice.
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