Seven Ways to Open Your Coffee Shop With No Money
Open Your Coffee Shop With No Money
How to Open a Coffee Shop With No Money
How do you open a coffee shop without any money?
Starting a coffee shop with no money is among the most common dilemmas for aspiring coffee shop owners. After all, money is essential to opening any type of business – including a coffee shop.
So without any money, it's hard to buy today's lunch, let alone a coffee shop!
But what if you want to start a coffee shop and don’t have money to start with? What do you do?
Is it really possible to start a coffee shop with no money? And if not, does that spell the end of your coffee shop dream?
Not necessarily.
In fact, while you might not have enough money, you still have available options for you to get your coffee business off the ground.
If you don't have the money to start a coffee shop, you can start a low-cost coffee business with a smaller investment like the ones we’ve written about. Or you can decide to finance your entire coffee business operation with a business loan or investors.
In today's post, we’ll discuss your options for starting a coffee shop with no money.
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The Possibility of Starting a Coffee Shop With No Money
First, starting a coffee shop with no money is possible.
However, starting your coffee shop with no money is completely different from starting your coffee shop for free.
Free is not possible. This is important to understand. Your job will be to bridge having no money to securing the funds you need to start the coffee shop of your dreams. People do it every day.
Depending on your coffee business concept, it will take money to get started. But how much money will it take? Here are some general estimates of the costs of various coffee businesses.
Traditional Coffee Shop Business Costs:
- Small coffee shop with seating: $40,000 to $200,000
- Large coffee shop with seating: $75,000 to $350,000
- Franchise coffee shop: $100,00 to $350,000
- Café & Bakery: $120,000 to $350,000
- Coffee shop bookstore: $80,000 to $250,00
Low-Cost Coffee Shop Business Costs:
- A piggyback coffee business: $3,500 – $15,000 (What’s a Piggyback Coffee business?)
- Drive-thru coffee stand business: $10,00 – $90,000
- Espresso catering business: $4,500 – $15,000
- Mobile coffee business: $10,000 – $95,000
- Online coffee business: $400 – $10,000
For a more detailed look at coffee shop costs, read Understanding The Costs of Starting a Coffee Shop (Explained).
Fortunately, with diligent planning and dedicated learning, it is possible to start a coffee shop without using your money – even if you had it.
Keep in mind, however, that every business does require startup money to launch successfully. Starting a coffee shop is no exception to this.
As the owner of your coffee business, finding and accessing the appropriate amount of money to open and sustain your coffee shop will be among your highest priorities.
I want to highlight this point early in this article:
It takes money to start a coffee shop.
And yet, the million-dollar question remains:
How do you open your coffee shop with no money?
If you are short on money, passionate about your concept, and able to think “outside the box,” – chances are you're going to find a way to open a successful coffee business.
You can open a coffee shop with no money, but you will have to leverage your knowledge and your business savvy to do so.
Certainly, having enough funds to plan, set up, and keep your coffee business afloat until it is profitable will be important as you move forward.
This means you’ll be required to know exactly how much money you need before you start – and determine where you will get it from.
You will need a well-written coffee shop business plan outlining your entire budget and how much your coffee shop will cost.
Open a Coffee Shop With No Money
Is it possible to…
Starting a Coffee Shop With No Money?
As I mentioned above, there are several ways to open your coffee shop with no money, but they require:
- Passion
- In-depth planning
- Dedication to learning about the retail coffee business
- Creativity
- Financial discipline
Additionally, you will need strong communication skills, networking ability, leadership skills, and confidence.
Out of necessity, the lack of money often forces the hands of aspiring coffee shop owners to be creative. Coffee entrepreneurs without cash need to “think out of the box” and institute unorthodox coffee shop business plans to realize their coffee shop dreams.
There’s no need for you to invent the wheel.
Looking at ways to move beyond traditional methods of starting a coffee shop should be your priority if you don’t have the money to start a business. Consider more reasonable solutions. For example, you can start small and grow your business once you get a stronger financial footing.
Read our in-depth article, Low-cost coffee shop business ideas, for more information on various opportunities.
Regardless of your ultimate decision, you’re going to need to develop your coffee shop concept, decide on a location, and develop a coffee shop budget. This last budgetary element is key to your success.
A coffee shop budget requires you to:
- Articulate your coffee business concept
- Understand the costs of starting a coffee shop
- Be able to detail accurate projections
- Develop a well-written business plan
“Act As If You Had The Money To Start Your Coffee Shop”
One of the most effective ways to start a coffee shop is by acting like you have the money.
If you had the money – or had access to money – you would probably start by doing basic research and planning.
This means developing your concept, writing your business plan, figuring out your coffee shop budget, and looking for the right location.
You will need to do things that other entrepreneurs have to do – but even more creatively. This may require time, effort, and help.
Start Writing Your Coffee Shop Business Plan
Before jumping into spending any else’s money, we recommend that you start writing your own coffee shop business plan that, among other things, details your:
- Startup costs
- Operational costs
- Break-even point
- How much money you’ll need to access
To know your coffee shop break-even point, you need to develop your coffee shop menu and know your coffee equipment needs and the space you require.
Taken together, these will all impact your entire coffee shop startup costs, as well as your operational fixed and variable costs.
Open a Coffee Shop With No Money
Open a Coffee Shop with No Money
Funding Options For Your Coffee Shop
Once you’ve determined your concept and total startup costs, you will be able to turn your attention to how you will get the money to open your business. So, what will your coffee shop funding mix look like?
In general, you’ll have the following financial options:
- Borrow from friends and family
- Apply for a business loan
- Utilize a home equity line of credit
- Approach outside investors
- Develop a co-op
- Crowdfund your coffee business
- Credit card financing
- Utilize savings
Let’s discuss each of these in greater detail.
Coffee Shop Funding Option #1
Borrow Money from Family and Friends
Borrowing money to start a coffee shop is not a new concept. In fact, this option is often used because of the enormous potential benefits.
While you may decide to enter into an official contract with your friends and family, you can skip much of the formalities of securing an institutional business loan.
However, borrowing from friends and family can come with emotional baggage and potential sand pits. In essence, you are leveraging their trust in you to pay them back. If you don't pay them back, things might get awkward around the holidays.
Nevertheless, your friends and family will often be your biggest supporters and may be more than willing to see you succeed in the business choice of your dreams.
It is important to state that because you borrow money from the most important people in your life, it should emphasize doing your best research and planning!
Coffee Shop Funding Option #2
Apply for a Business Loan
Securing a business loan is a common way to start a business.
The benefit of going this route is that you can enter into a loan agreement with a bank or loan institution without having to burden your family and friends. (Your Thanksgiving holiday is saved!)
However, a bank may want some collateral and may also want to see a well-written business plan that details why you wish to borrow a particular sum of money. And, more importantly, how you plan to spend the money.
For a more in-depth look at using a business loan to fund your coffee shop, read our article, How to Prepare for Your Coffee Shop Business Loan.
Coffee Shop Funding Option #3
Get a Home Equity Loan
A home equity loan leverages the value and equity of your house to secure your funding. While this type of loan is common, we recommend that you tread carefully when putting up your home as collateral to finance your coffee shop business.
Before entering this arrangement, invest in your research and planning – and write your coffee shop business plan. You don't want to leverage your home into a business without the knowledge and wisdom you need to open a coffee shop successfully.
Coffee Shop Funding Option #4
Bring In Investors
Investors. They come by many different names, but they essentially do the same thing. They loan you money in exchange for something of greater long-term value.
Whether they are considered silent investors, angel investors, or traditional investors, you may need them to start your coffee shop business. Investors have the money, and they are looking for serious people willing to put in the work to start a successful business.
Like banks, investors are looking to make money on interest and/or a percentage of your sales in exchange for their early funding.
Additionally, some investors may want a greater role in decision–making, including your coffee shop branding, choosing your coffee shop location, hiring, and product offerings. Still, others may have a completely hands-off approach and let you do all the work just as long as you pay them on time.
There are endless options and potential agreements that you can enter into with investors. Just be sure that you understand what you agree to when accepting their investment.
Coffee Shop Funding Option #5
Create a Coffee Shop Co-op (Cooperative)
Bringing in like-minded people who have the same vision, work ethic, and values as you do can be another viable way to start a coffee shop business.
In a co-op – or cooperative – everyone brings something to the table to secure a coffee shop's successful launch. A cooperative is a type of business structure, very much like a corporation or limited liability company. You will want to look at your state's laws to see if this type of business formation works for you and your partners.
It is important to note that while this business model is not traditional, you will still need a coffee shop business plan:
- Develop your coffee shop business plan
- Consider who you may partner with
- Determine how much money you will need
- Determine responsibilities
Coffee Shop Funding Option #6
Crowdfunding Your Coffee Shop
Utilizing the financial support of likely customers is a growing trend. Crowdfunding your coffee shop is an increasingly popular way to access money for your business. It can be very effective at raising money for your business.
Your crowdfunding campaign may seek to cover the entire cost of a coffee business or a specific category of costs, such as coffee equipment or expansion to an outdoor patio, etc. While crowdfunding is an excellent way to make money, it will take much prep work and thoughtful planning.
For a deeper look at crowdfunding your coffee shop, read our article, Funding Your Coffee Shop Business with Crowdfunding.
Coffee Shop Funding Option #7
Funding Your Coffee Shop With Credit
Using credit cards is among the most expensive ways to finance a business. Therefore, taking this route is typically not recommended because credit card interest rates are generally very high. However, they do offer convenience and expediency.
It will be important to determine your overall coffee shop funding mix before you start your coffee shop. Depending on your credit limit, you may be able to downsize your coffee shop concept and utilize your credit cards to help fulfill your coffee shop startup requirements.
Due to the high cost of financing, we believe there may be other better financing options available.
Nevertheless, credit cards may – and can – play an important role in your coffee shop business funding. However, funding your entire coffee operation with your credit cards opens you up to plenty of risks and high-interest rates.
Coffee Shop Funding Option #8
Utilize Your Savings
If you have savings socked away for things other than emergencies, you may consider using it as seed money to start your coffee shop. Then, depending on your concept, you may utilize your savings and the other options discussed to get the ball rolling.
How much money you will need to start a coffee shop is entirely up to you. However, you should note that many people or organizations that you approach may want to know how much you are personally contributing to your own business. Even if it is a small percentage of the overall costs, investing your savings will provide you with some additional credibility and deem you a serious borrower. A similar analogy is that of a home purchase. While you may not have enough to pay off a home in its entirety, a bank will require that you put 10% – 20% of your own money down. Likewise, lenders would want to see you invest some of your own money in your coffee shop business before they put anything down.
Your Coffee Shop Funding Mix
Starting your coffee shop with several pools of funding may be a viable option.
For example, you may need to use one or more – or all – of these listed ways to get enough cash to start your coffee business. Of course, you’ll have to decide which is best for you, your budget, and your circumstances.
Even with the best circumstances and planning, some financing options fall through, so always learn to explore your financial options and be willing to adapt to new situations.
Take, for example, the following sample funding mix for your coffee shop:
- Personal savings: 20%
- Borrowing from family: 35%
- Borrowing from friends 25%
- Bank Loan 15%
- Crowdfunding 5%
Sample Coffee Shop Funding Mix
Utilizing money from different financial pools is common. After writing your coffee shop business plan and completely understanding the total costs of starting your coffee business, you can figure out how your coffee shop funding mix will be.
For more information on how to develop your funding mix, please read How to Develop Your Coffee Shop Funding Mix.
Open Your Coffee Shop With No Money
We’ve just discussed the various options you have to fund your coffee shop. Now, let’s turn our attention to a variety of other real-world coffee business possibilities that you may have as well.
In no particular order, let's list them below.
#1. Piggyback on Another Successful Business
Piggybacking on another business can be a great opportunity to start a coffee shop. But, unfortunately, piggybacking your coffee business onto another is one of the most under-utilized options for many coffee entrepreneurs who lack the funds.
We’ve been advocating this option for the last seven years – and it’s only become more relevant every year.
We’ve detailed piggy options elsewhere in Low Costs Ideas to Start a Coffee Shop.
Many coffee businesses have “piggybacked” on established businesses that can benefit from offering their clients, customers, or employees a good cup of coffee, a smoothie, or more.
For example, take a “workspace sharing business” in Seattle that offers rented office space for freelancers and solo entrepreneurs. Besides, consider the flower shop with extra space to set up a coffee business to drive more walk-in customers in their shop. Really, the possibilities are endless!
You will want to look around your neighborhood, determine what existing business would benefit from your coffee business, and develop a plan for that business.
At first, the existing business might resist the idea of a coffee business being on its premises. Often, this is simply because it was never a part of their personal business venture idea.
You may have to sell them on the benefits of having your coffee business there before they agree. For example, you may need to deliver important selling points, such as hard data, information on competitors, and potential sales numbers.
#2. Open an Online Coffee Business
Starting an online coffee business may be one of the most affordable ways to develop your coffee brand, your customer base, and your expertise.
In many circumstances, it only takes between $100 and $500 to set up your online coffee shop website, acquire web hosting (an annual expense), and do logo work.
Starting your coffee business online can bring some pretty enormous benefits. The first benefit is that you can start building your coffee brand immediately.
Your social media can provide an excellent way to get started without spending a lot of money.
So, what can you sell online?
Several local online coffee shops sell locally roasted coffee beans. In addition, you can make arrangements with local coffee roasters in your area to sell small bags of their coffee, or you can roast your own coffee beans too.
Creating beautifully arranged coffee gift boxes or packages can help you develop your expertise, branding, and potential reinvestment into a larger coffee business with the traditional brick-and-mortar coffeehouse.
Here's How to Get Started With Your Online Coffee Business:
- Research coffee vendors (Where will you get your inventory?)
- Choose Your Website Domain and Hosting Plan.
- Look at the ways to open an online coffee shop website.
- Determine your short, medium, and long-term strategy.
For an in-depth look at opening an online coffee store, read How to Start a Profitable Online Coffee Business.
#3. Sell Roasted Coffee Beans at Farmer's Markets
Opening a coffee shop can start in any number of ways. Remember, while your goal is to have the coffee shop of your dreams, there are many avenues to get there.
The idea is to get started.
One of the low-cost ideas for starting your own coffee business is to sell roasted beans at your local farmer’s markets.
People love to buy local… especially at local farmer’s markets everywhere.
All you need is a table, a tent, and to develop relationships with your local coffee roasters. Your job is to sell coffee beans. And you can do it relatively cheaply. Get wholesale beans from various local roasters in your region and hit the farmer’s market circuit.
- Choose a coffee business name.
- Develop your coffee brand
- Create a website (So fans know where you are)
- Buy a tent and table.
- Apply for necessary permits
- Get your city business license
- Make relationships with local coffee roasters
- Sign up for your local farmer’s market
How to Start a Coffee Shop With No Money
Additional coffee shop business Questions:
I don’t know how to get started by opening a coffee shop. Where do I begin?
How you start a coffee shop depends on you personally, professionally, and financially in your life. If you feel you are prepared to start the process of setting up your coffee shop, you’ll want to decide on what type of coffee shop you want to establish. That is, determine your coffee shop concept. There are dozens of viable coffee shop business concepts and ideas to choose from!
From there, you’ll have to decide on a location and menu to serve your customers. All of these will work to determine your coffee budget.
How much money do I have to have to start a coffee shop, personally?
Many businesses, including coffee shops, get started with financing that does not belong to the owner. Whether you decide to take out a business loan or utilize a wide funding mix, you may not need any personal money to start a business.
However, with that said, you will need to write a well-written coffee shop business plan. You will need to bring something to the table, whether coffee expertise, business savvy, or something else.
Additionally, you should be in a position where you will sustain your personal well-being and satisfy current obligations.
Should I partner with someone to start a coffee shop?
Finding the right partner to open a coffee shop may bring benefits. But it can also complicate things as well. First, you will have to determine if partnering with the right person makes sense for you right now.
A good partner can bring various benefits, including money to start your coffee business, important contacts, and experience. But you will want to make sure that you and your partner can work well together, communicate, and positively solve problems.
Is a low-cost coffee shop profitable?
Yes! A low-cost coffee business can be just as profitable as a traditional coffee shop. How much money you make depends on your location, customer base, menu and price points, and sales volume.
With the demand for coffee growing each year, getting into any coffee business type is a stimulating and lucrative opportunity – as long as you keep the prices low. Management and maximizing your small coffee business can generate high revenues and lower operational costs.
For a deeper look into how much money you can make as a coffee shop owner, read our article, How Much Does a Coffee Shop Owner Make?
Start Small… Start Here.
If money is a big concern, we recommend that you start small. Learn all that you can about the retail coffee industry. Know your primary target market and your local laws. These are important things you can do without spending any significant resources. Then, simplify your coffee business concept and develop your plan.
Additionally, you will want to focus on the following:
- Look for opportunities to start your coffee business
- Think out of the box when planning
- Determine how much money you will need
Learn How to Open Your Coffee Shop
There is no better resource to help you plan for your coffee business than right here at Coffee Shop Startups. We've created an incredible do-it-yourself resource for those who want to set up their own coffee business without spending money on expensive consultants.
Our Complete Coffee Shop Startup Kit provides you with a valuable resource that helps get your business planning started.
- 15 hours of streaming audio interviews
- Editable Coffee Shop Business Plan Guide & Template
- The Ultimate “How To” Start a Coffee Business Guide
- Exclusive Coffee Shop Profitability Guide
Ready to Get Started?
Start Your Dream Coffee Shop Business
Starting a coffee shop is exciting, but it can also feel overwhelming. Where do you start? What steps should you take? How do you avoid costly mistakes? That’s where the Professional Coffee Shop Startups Kit comes in. It’s designed to give you a clear, practical roadmap to opening a successful coffee business—without wasting time or money on guesswork.
Inside, you'll find:
Expert interviews with real coffee shop owners and business experts.
An On-Demand 37-lecture course covering everything from business planning to daily operations.
Editable coffee shop business templates, financial documents, checklists, and planning tools to keep you on track.
A step-by-step startup guide that walks you through concept development, permits, branding, and more.
Cost-saving strategies to help you launch your coffee business on a budget.
Whether planning a small coffee cart or a full-scale café, this kit is built to help you start confidently. Join the thousands of successful coffee entrepreneurs who started with a dream and a great plan. Your journey to coffee shop greatness begins right here!
Comprehensive. Proven. Affordable.
The Professional Coffee Shop Startup Kit
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* The information on this page is for educational purposes only. We do not offer legal or investment advice.